Our Neighbor’s Table
Amesbury, Massachusetts
In early 2015, Merrimack Design began working with Our Neighbors’ Table to evaluate the feasibility of converting a former retail store, laundromat and dry cleaning establishment into a new facility to support their mission. We are providing assistance with space programming, architectural design services, preparation of construction documents and construction administration.
The project scope of work entails alteration of approximately 5000 square feet of an existing one-storey retail building and conversion into a new facility comprising food distribution and storage, food pantry and administrative offices for Our Neighbors’ Table (ONT). ONT is a private, nonprofit 501c3 organization established in 1992 with a mission to provide nourishing food, kindness and dignity to needy residents of the towns and cities of northern Essex County, Massachusetts.

We gathered at our studio for the formal contract signing with the Executive Director and Construction Committee Chairman representing Our Neighbor’s Table, the Contractor and the very generous project sponsor. A delicious catered lunch prepared by the ONT chef was served.

Here we are at the ground breaking with (from left to right) the ONT Board Chairman, the Demolition Subcontractor, the General Contractor, Architect and ONT Construction Committee Chairman. 11/20/2015
The roof has been removed and little remains of the existing building. 12/10/15
New exterior wall framing has begun in order to support the the new raised roof structure. 12/17/2015
The new roof structure, supporting masonry and steel column. 1/7/2015
New poured concrete floor slabs. 1/14/2016
New rubber roof installation. 1/21/2016
New interior partition framing at the pantry entrance. 2/17/2016
Exterior Finish Insulation System (EFIS) and aluminum storefront window installation. 2/17/2016
The panelized walk-in refrigeration assembly is in process after gypsum wall board installation. 3/10/2016
The sheet metal work including the parapet coping, loading door canopy and awnings are in fabrication and awaiting installation. 3/18/2016
A Hard Hat Tour was held on April 7th to provide supporters an opportunity to have a sneak peek of the project as the construction work nears completion.
The work is on schedule to be completed by May 1st and the new Jardis Taylor Center for Our Neighbors’ Table will start up operations on May 15th.
The construction Committee Chairman describing the food pantry layout to guests during the hard hat tour. The new walk-in refrigerator and freezer display doors are in the background.
The project sponsor, capital campaign donors and Our Neighbors’ Table staff pose with spoons for the “Spoon Patrol”, a new fundraising campaign that will recognize donor contributions with spoons that will be creatively arranged and displayed in the new facility.
The official opening ceremony of the Jardis-Taylor Center for Our Neighbors’ Table on May 24, 2016 with State Representative James Kelcourse, Building Committee Chair John Massaua, Benefactor Greg Jardis, and a representative for State Senator Katy Ives.
The Shipping and Receiving area